Author: Constantinos (Page 1 of 16)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Morning session
09.00-10.15 (Room 502): Presentation of top publications of the past year
by PhD students per research track within DSV, as selected by each lab’s
This is an open session for all PhD Students, Supervisors, Professors and
Researchers at DSV to participate and contribute in the discussion
to provide their input and feedback.
Coffee break
10.15-10.30 There will be bones/cakes and coffee/tea available for the
Back to the presentations
10.30-12.00 (Room 502): Continuing with the presentation of top
publications of the past year.
This is an open session for all PhD Students, Supervisors, Professors and
Researchers at DSV to participate and contribute in the discussion
to provide their input and feedback.
Lunch break
All participants of the workshop are invited to lunch, provided to fill in
the doodle link.
Afternoon session
13.00-15.00 Presentation of PhD Students/researchers at DSV to represent
their works/papers
OBS! All PhD students and researchers are welcome to present their works!
This is an open session for all PhD Students, Supervisors, Professors and
Researchers at DSV to participate and contribute in the discussion
to provide their input and feedback.
Coffee break
15.00-15.15 There will be bones/cakes and coffee/tea available for the
Back to the afternoon session (not fixed yet)
15.15-17 Continuing the presentations/the third seminar in writing.
Afterwards, there will be a general assembly for voting for the PhD board
members. It is important for all PhD students to take part and vote for
the board.
Closing Reception
Please register here! Registration will close on Monday November 15th, midnight CET:
The registration is now open!
See you all there!