Doktorandpott (PhD budget)

All faculty-financed PhD students have access to project money called “doktorandpott”, which corresponds to a maximum of 28,000 SEK per year. The “doktorandpott” is meant to ensure your publications – that is: to be able to participate in conferences for presenting papers and paying fees for journal publications. The remaining doctorandpott at the end of the year can be transferred to the next year with a maximum of SEK 15,000. Further, the money can be used for literature, courses and travel to conferences that are directly related to the education at the doctoral level. To know the remaining amount of your budget, you can contact Michael Norén. Regarding the rules on how to spend your doktorandpott, contact

Besides for conferences, there are also other events, such as PhD consortiums, that you can attend to get feedback from other researchers outside of DSV. To buy a book, you can ask your supervisor, and if s(he) agreed, you could send an email to Michael (Cc to your supervisor) to buy the book. PhD students can also apply for Eurocard through Caroline Thingvall at She can also help you to apply for an insurance card.

More information about additional scholarships and travelling abroad can be found at the SU page.

Buying books, materials for research, etc

All purchases of various electronic materials, computer and mobile accessories, buns and cakes, fruit, books, travel etc. must be made through contracted suppliers. Then we get an invoice to the department, and we will not have problems with our contractual partners. For books, research materials and IT supplies, you should first discuss with your supervisor what you need, and your supervisor will know if you also need a confirmation from the unit head or not. Who to contact for what


Before you book a business trip, you must do the following:

  1. Fill in the form Duty travel request.pdf (En) or Duty travel request.pdf (Swe)
  2. Contact your project manager/unit head who will approve the trip and sign the form/application.
  3. Leave the signed form in the Economy mail tray in the postal room on floor 3 by the E-lift.
  4. Afterwards, you can book your trip via Egencia. The travel agency sends the invoice to DSV.

After travelling

Remember to send the receipts after travelling as soon as possible (max 3 months after the trip) to make sure you get the money back.

Please look at this information:  Travel Bill Instructions. All employees are to make their own travel bill in Primula. If you want help with travel expenses, please contact Magdalena Pers Färjemark. Print the travel bill and submit it together with the original receipts in the Economy mail tray in the postal room. Payment to an employee is made together with the usual payroll. The breaking date of the month is usually the first week of the month.

Student Discounts for PhD students

You can join a student union to have a discount on subway tickets, DSV pub, café etc. The local student union at DSV is called DISK.  To register to SSSB (student accommodation in Stockholm), you need to be registered in a student union. However, if you only need to use the subway discount, you can apply for student union half-price membership. You can also get a lot of discounts from, e.g. Mecenat or Studentkortet directly without joining a union. You will then have to provide a document stating that you are a PhD student at Stockholm University (for example a scanned/photographed copy of your employment papers).