Welcome for a free-of-charge drop-in advisory meeting with SU Innovation!
Here you can discuss how you could commercialize your Idea or Research – under strict confidentiality, of course.
Every Thursday from 21 October you will find us in Room 7414 between 9.00 and 13.00. You will meet one of SU Innovation’s experienced Business Coaches, normally Ulf Eriksson.
At the SU Innovation drop-in you will meet Ulf Eriksson – President and Business Coach. Ulf has a long background within Business Development, Internationalization and Financing – primarily from IT- och Service Companies. He has worked with Venture Capital since – also with US Funds in Silicon Valley, before establishing SU Innovation.
You are welcome to send an email to ulf.eriksson@innovation.su.se
Everyone is welcome to discuss commercialization of their Business Idea or Research!
Christer Magnusson,
Service Science and Innovation, DSV
SU Innovation supports researchers and students at Stockholm University for a faster and more secure commercialization. We are a fully-owned subsidiary of Stockholm University Holding AB. Our professional Business Coaches provide you with qualified and tailor-made guidance and support in Business Development and Financing, arrange courses and seminars and access to a network of partners within business critical areas. We also run a business incubator where we offer a structured and comprehensive business development support and we provide you with an office space of your own.