Present: Khurram, Sumithra, Constantinos
- PhD Student Council meetings; an automatic email notification to be sent Friday’s before each meeting, to the interested ones.
- A set of formal rules and procedures should be put in place covering the operations of the PhD Student Council. A first draft will be based on the regulations adopted by DISK, translated into English. Translation in progress: Start with KTH PhD regulations, possibly before summer (Constantinos will draft, Sumithra will finalize)
- The DSV PhDs blog will be enriched with an additional page constituting a directory of members and their research interests. Furthmore, all DSV labs will be invited to provide their feeds (if any) to be embedded in the blog. In progress…
- Upcoming event
- pre summer (e.g. bbq)
- Check with DISK for their bbq facilities for either 2nd, 3rd or 4th of June at 15:00
- early fall (orientation day*) Make Fatima and Birgitta aware of the fact that we are going to help
- pre summer (e.g. bbq)
- weekly fikas (Mondays at 15:00 on the 6th floor); promote more people & send email notifications every Monday morning as reminders.
- Updates from DISK, KTH, SU; Constantinos will get in touch with ICT’s KTH representative to have more info and updates.
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