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**************   Svenska versionen    ***********


Nyhetsbrev v.49


Här får ni det sista nyhetsbrevet för året! Skicka det vidare

till övriga studenter i era råd och gärna till andra studenter på

universitetet som ni har kontakt med.


I detta utskick:


—      Tack alla som var med i “The Third Annual PhD Forum workshop”, Nov

25! Det var en trevlig och informativ workshop och vi skulle uppskatta

alla presentatörer och deltagare för spännande presentationer och



—        Nya doktorandråd medlemmar enligt valet på samma dagen som workshopen


•        Nam Aghaee ( Doktorandrådets president och representant

för forskarstuderande på institutionsstyrelsen

•        Mohamed El Mekawy ( Doktorandrådets vice-president

•        Maria Skeppstedt ( Doktorandrådets secretary

•        Anna Thies ( Doktorandrådets treasurer och suppleant

för forskarstuderande på institutionsstyrelsen


—        Licenciat/disputation seminarier

•        Constantinos fick sitt Licentiat, December 1 (grattis till honom! 🙂

•        Gustaf Juell-Skielse ska ha disputationen, Tisdag, December 20, 1pm–4pm.


Glöm inte “Julfesten”, den 16:e december! Sista anmälningsdagen är IDAG,

den 7:de december! Vi ses där!


Annars önskar vi er en riktigt God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År!


Vänliga Hälsningar

Nam on behalf of the DSV PhD board


**************   English version    ***********


Newsletter, Week 49


This is the last newsletter for this year! Send it to other students in

your unit and feel free to inform the other students that you are in

contact with.


In this Newsletter:


—      The Third Annual PhD Forum workshop held on Nov 25, was a nice and

informative workshop. We would like to appreciate all the presenters and

participants for the great presentations and discussions! Hope you also

enjoyed it!


—      New PhD board members, based on the general assembly and election

on the same day as the workshop, Nov 25:


•        Nam Aghaee ( The PhD Board President & representative for

the DSV Institution board

•        Mohamed El Mekawy ( The PhD Board Vice President

•        Maria Skeppstedt ( The PhD Board Secretary

•        Anna Thies ( The PhD Board Treasurer & substitute for

the PhD board representative for the institution board.


—      Licentiate / dissertation seminars

•       Constantinos got his Licentiate, December 1 (congrats to him 🙂

•       Gustaf Juell-Skielse has his dissertation seminar, Tuesday,

December 20, 1pm – 4pm.


Do not forget “the Christmas Party”, December 16! Registration deadline is

“today”, the 7th of December! Hope to see you there!


Otherwise, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Kind Regards

Nam on Behalf of the DSV PhD board