DSV-PhD Workshop on Computer and Systems Sciences
Kista, Stockholm – November 27th, 2009
The purpose of the workshop is to provide an interactive forum for PhD candidates to discuss their research topics and share ideas within Computer and Systems Sciences.
Event Format
All PhD students within Computer and Systems Sciences are encouraged to present their research in an informal but scientific manner.
Workshop Events
The workshop will include:
- a keynote speaker presentation, by an expert in the field,
- an experience report, by a fresh PhD graduate,
- PhD student presentations.
Lunch and fika will be served.
Submission Guidelines
Extended abstract of 1-2 pages, should be submitted in PDF format and should include motivation, research question, research approach, validation method and problems faced. Submissions must conform to Springer LNCS format available at:
Important Dates:
- Oct 30th, 2009 Extended abstract submission deadline
- Nov 13th, 2009 Notification of presentation schedule
- Nov 20th, 2009 Registration (confirmation of participation)
- Nov 27th, 2009 Workshop
All extended abstracts will become publically available through the Computer and Systems Sciences PhD blog.
Organizing Committee
- General Chair: Anne Håkansson, Director of Post Graduate Studies
- Program Chair: Esmiralda Moradian, PhD representative at the DSV board
- Local Organizing Chair: Sumithra Velupillai, PhD Board Vice President and Natalja Nikitina, PhD Board treasurer
- Publicity Chair: Mohammed Khurram Shahzad, PhD Board President
- Session Chair: Constantinos Giannoulis, PhD Board Secretary
- Program committee: PhD Board (Esmiralda Moradian, Sumithra Velupillai, Natalja Nikitina, Mohammed Khurram Shahzad and Constantinos Giannoulis)
For any inquiries email us at: phds.workshop@dsv.su.se