DSV, Forum 2009.09.02
Present members: Khurram, Constantinos, Natalja, Esmiralda
Agenda & action points:
- orientation day
- October 7th (Constantinos will book a room)
- 10:00-12:00 Welcome and interaction
- Introduce the PhD Board (PhDs Board)
- how we work, events, process, etc.
- info on rights and obligations (Esmiralda)
- info on travel money for PhD students (Esmiralda)
- infor about DISK (invite people from DISK, Constantinos)
- Introduce the PhD Board (PhDs Board)
- 12:00-13:00 try to arrange lunch with Love and Anne (Esmiralda)
- 13:00-14:00 DSV tour (altogether)
- November workshop
- poster ready (Constantinos)
- announce it via email and blog post (Constantinos)
- KTH, SU updates (no news)
- Christmas event (next meeting)
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